I am a football wife. We didn't watch the game growing up in my house so I only knew a little bit about it, like what awesome commercials you got to see once a year. When I started dating my husband many years ago I quickly figured out I was going to have to learn more. For some reason when he asked what was happening during the game and I replyed with things like "everyone is in a big pile" "the guy is running" "the black and white guys are talking" he didn't think I was being helpful. So I learned all about the game and now know about punting, sacks, turnovers, yardage, the difference between a running back and a defensive back and in general all things football. I even picked a favorite team, Tampa Bay Buccaneers (I picked them before they won the Super Bowl in case you are wondering) it may have been becuase they had the cutest coach and I loved Gruden, but after they foolishly decided to get rid of him I stuck with them, even if their record was 3 & 13 last year I am still rooting for them. I am a real football fan who even watches games with out my husband.
This year a friend asked me to join a fantasy football league. I said sure why not. Thought it would be something fun for my husband and I to do together. Well as it turns out it has become my baby. My husband had to work during the draft so I was left on my own (we did do some crash cliff notes style learning right before he left but I ended up picking a lot of the team my self) I picked the team I have been managing the team and have been doing well. But it is making me a crazy football fan. I am suddenly nervous about games, I am getting mad at players, I am reading articles on the internet and I am getting up on Sunday morning and watching the Fantasy Football show on ESPN. Who am I? I am no longer just a football wife I am a true Football Fan who is invested in the game and I like the new me.
Next year I want to start a Football Wives League for Fantasy Football, who wants to join me.